An Extensive Portfolio of Crucial Frangible Structures and Compositions with International Quality.

Approach Light Mast and Poles
SGS Frangible’s Approach Light Mast and Poles are one of its premium products. As SGS Frangible is known for offering complete and customized frangible solutions, Approach Light Mast and Poles are made with different heights depending upon the land profile, slope and other associated parameters.
Meteorological Towers and Mast
Precision meteorological measurements near to the runway plays a significant part in the smooth conduction of operations at airports and thus are considered very sincerely at SGS Frangible with various offerings like Airport Meteorological Instrument, Visibility Sensor Poles and Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS).

Windsock / Wind Cone Mast
As Windsock or Wind Cone Mast acts as a guide for speed and wind direction at airport, special care is taken at SGS Frangible to design and manufacture it. Majority of the airports lit the windsock at night either with the help of floodlights on top of it or with those inside it so from Style I-A to Style I-B, an expanded spectrum of Windsocks and Wind Cone Masts are manufactured by SGS Frangible.
Other Applications
SGS Frangible works for providing secondary and other essential frangible compositions too. Be it Airport Runway Safety Aids, Frangible fencing, Road Holding Light frangible Poles and Landing Direction Indicators, at SGS Frangible, it is equally ensured that the manufacturing of all secondary products & tools passes the set criteria of quality, robustness and standardization.

ILS Glide Path Tower & Localizer Supports
Vertical guidance and deviation holds great importance for air vehicles in the aviation and other industries. For serving these general and crucial requirements, SGS Frangible designs, manufactures and distributes the Glide Path Mast, that too with wide scope of customization. It also takes care off the associated mountings and accessories so that customer always stays at peace with the products.