How SGS Frangible fully abides by the ICAO Compliant?

Driven by an ulterior motive of ensuring peaceful and safe air transport, International Civil Aviation Organization, often abbreviated as ICAO outlines some specific guidelines for the associated entities of the domain like SGS Frangible, one of the leading manufacturers so that all the products made for the industry completely abide by the compliant. As a matter of fact, along with other prime factors mentioned in the set of standards, frangibility stands out as a key determinant for tagging a product as superior for air transport and aviation.

Considering immense value for ICAO complaint, SGS Frangible has undertaken dynamic testing for proving a high factor of frangibility in its products viz. approach light towers and other structures. The test was held at a speed of 140 km/h where the impactor was mounted on the vehicle in order to make it strike the structure at a perfect point as laid out by ICAO which is either approximately 4 m above ground level or 1 m below the top of the structure, whichever is higher. On the top of the tower, a representative mass was mounted in addition to a well secured wiring and cabling of the tower. As it is impossible to visually monitor the impact sequence and the deformation along with post-impact deformation so it was recorded by a high speed camera through a video. As per ICAO, there should be no change in impact speed during impact and it should be accurately recorded at the time of impact directly from the moving vehicle, thus same has been done to accurately record the data.

Precisely, any approach lighting structure that intends to be frangible should withstand the static and operational/survival wind loads with a suitable factor of safety. However, when subjected to the sudden collision forces of a 3000 kg aircraft airborne and travelling in any direction at 140 km/h, it should break, distort or yield readily. Same happened with the SGS Frangible tower. The structure broke without imposing maximum force or energy. Moreover it didn’t entangle thereby achieving another ICAO requirement. Also, the light fitting and the supporting structure as a whole established frangibility with regard to cabling as it ensured that there are points of disconnection so that segmentation is not hindered thereby proving that the structure will not prevent the aircraft from maneuvering safely either in flight or on the ground. Thus, with SGS Frangible towers, the aircraft can achieve a successful landing, take-off or missedapproach due to the passage provided.

As expertise comes with great efforts and commitment testing, so does the recognition of ICAO Compliant for SGS Frangible. Therefore, with a blinded assurance of quality products; safety and peace, SGS Frangible abides by the ICAO Compliant completely and as a leading frangible towers manufacturer inspires others to do the same.

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