Dynamic tests are recommended for verification of frangibility

In the case of towers that may be impacted by airborne aircraft, it is desirable to not only minimize the amount of damage to the aircraft but also to not significantly impede the flight trajectory. The impacted tower should give way to the passage of the aircraft so that it may still achieve a successful landing or continue the take-off procedure.

As per International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Aerodrome Design Manual DOC 9157AN/901 Part 6- Frangibility- Chapter 5 TESTING FOR FRANGIBILITY, Dynamic tests are recommended for verification of frangibility of navigational aids having an overall height in excess of 1.2 m and located in positions where they are likely to be impacted by an aircraft in flight.

The test should be conducted at a speed of 140 km/h (75 kt). The Impactor should be mounted on the vehicle so that it strikes the structure at a point approximately 4 m above ground level or 1 m below the top of the structure, whichever is higher. A representative mass equivalent to the weight of the intended aid should be mounted on the top of the tower. All required wiring and cabling for the aid should also be mounted and secured.

The impact should be recorded by a high-speed camera. Due to the short time of impact, it is impossible to visually monitor the impact sequence and the deformation.Impact speed should remain constant during impact and should be accurately and directly recorded from the moving vehicle at the time of impact.

Sufficient recording capability and speed should be used to accurately record the data from the load cells during impact tests. It is recommended that a recording speed of at least 10 kHz be used to capture the maximum impact force that occurs within 2 to 5 milliseconds.

Disclaimer : The testing methodology given above is as per the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Aerodrome Design Manual DOC 9157AN/901 Part 6- Frangibility.

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